TLC Receives Select 25 Award!

Thank you SelectHealth for naming The Learning Center for Families one of Utah’s Select 25 grant recipients at the award luncheon in Salt Lake on May 18, 2015.  We were one of 25 selected from 285 nonprofit organizations who applied from around the state to receive a $2,500 grant, marketing materials and a beautifully produced video about our services.

Wheeler Foundation donates $20K

Many thanks to the Wheeler Foundation for the generous grant we received to help provide home-based mental health services to some of our families in need with young children.  We are so grateful for their support!

A Little “TLC” For Families In Need

On Feb. 27th Dixie State University hosted their quarterly Dental Hygiene Day for pre-registered clients of The Learning Center for Families at the Dr. Mervyn and Sue Cox Dental Hygiene Clinic located at 1526 East Medical Center Drive in St. George. Dr. Tyler Torres, DDS from Dixie Pediatric Dental volunteered his time to help provide basic prophylactic care and dental education at no cost to children and their family members.

Since 2002, the DSU Dental Hygiene Program has collaborated with nursing staff at TLC to identify families in the community who are in need of the free dental services and education. Clinics are conducted twice every semester by students in the Dental Hygiene Program and local dentists who volunteer their time and services. Each participating family member will attend four hygiene clinics during the program year. Participants receive oral health screenings, prophylactic treatments, sealants and/or fluoride washes as indicated. Patients receive a new toothbrush as well as toothpaste and floss at each visit.

“The focus of the clinics is on developing life-long dental habits that will ensure the family takes good care of their teeth and gums,” said Tena Heward, RN, Health Services Coordinator for TLC. “Regular preventive care can help detect dental problems early which can save thousands in long term costs. Many of the children’s parents we visit have never seen a dentist. We want to break the cycle for their children; we want them to understand that seeing a dentist and preventive care is the key for life long oral health.”

DSU’s Dental Hygiene program was developed in the fall of 1998 and is accredited by the American Dental Association. Dr. Tyler Torres, DDS and his partner Dr. Brett K. Christensen, DMD from Dixie Pediatric Dental have been volunteering on the TLC for Families Health Services Advisory Committee and on TLC hygiene clinic days at Dixie State University for several years now. “We’re so grateful for Dixie Pediatric Dental and for all of the dentists in our community who help with this program throughout the year including Dr. David Morris, DDS with the Dental Center of St. George and Dr. Matthew R. Valantine, DDS with Valantine Family Dentistry” said Heward.

KSL TV story:

St. George News story:

Register Now For The Run-4-Kids April 4, 2015

Lace up those running shoes and bring the whole family to the 15th Annual Run-4-Kids on Saturday morning, April 4, 2015 at the Coral Canyon Town Center Park.  Choose from a 10K, 5K or 1K fun run for the kids with tech t-shirts for everyone, awards in all age divisions and even prizes for the kiddos.  All proceeds benefit The Learning Center for Families – serving over 500 families with vulnerable infants and toddlers every week. 

This year, after you sign up, you will be entered into a drawing for a Go Pro White Edition (donated by First Stop Convenience Store, In Washington, UT) for each additional runner you bring to the 5k or 10k race. When your friend or family member signs up for the 5k or 10k run, fill out the google form on the Run 4 Kids website, “Run-4-Kids 5k and 10k Go Pro Drawing!,“ with your name and the name of the other runner who you signed up and you will be entered in the Go Pro drawing.

If you’re bringing multiple runners to the race, simply fill out the form again for each additional runner you sign up. You will receive one entry for each additional runner you sign up, it’s that easy. Register now for the Run-4-Kids at or call 674-0982.

Let’s Make this years Run 4 Kids the best!